
Monitoring, Evaluation and Studies

  1. Undertaken and completed seven studies.

  2. CAPART’s drought intervention – 2000 (an evaluation study in Andhra Pradesh) sponsored by CAPART, GOI.

  3. Study entitled “Impact of Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) Credit” in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Sponsored by Center for Women Studies (CWS) , New Delhi.

  4. Baseline study on FFS approach to IPM on cotton in Karnataka State sponsored by FAO, United Nations.

  5. Impact assessment study on IPM on cotton (collaboration study with FAO-EU) in Karnataka State.

  6. Completed evaluation of SGRY scheme in 8 districts of Andhra Pradesh.

  7. Farmers’ suicides in A.P. – Causes and cures.

  8. Impact assessment of vermicompost units of CAPART funded projects- 2009.

  9. Undertaken District Level Monitoring of Rural Development Programmes including TSC and Swajaladhara of Govt. of India.

  10. Impact Assessment of FFS approach to IPM on cotton in Karnataka State was done. The overall objective of the study was to assess the impact of cotton IPM through Farmer Field School (FFS) approach in terms of human and social capital, existing practices and economics of cotton production, pesticide usage, decision making pattern, environmental conservation and health issues. This project was funded by Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO).

  11. Completed Verification of Nirmal Gram Puraskar applications which was funded by Department of Drinking Water Supply,Ministry of Rural Development, government of India in 30 GPs of Andhra Pradesh state during 2005-06 and 125 GPs of Karnataka during 2006-07, Jharkand 08-09, Meghalaya, Mizoram 2011-2012.

  12. A study on health effects due to pesticide poisoning is being carried out in eight villages of Mahabubnagar district. This study is under taken in collaboration with Wageningen University, Netherlands.

  13. Evaluation of Horticulture plantations under NREGS-AP sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

  14. PRDIS has undertaken Impact Study on Vermicompost projects sponsored by CAPART to different Voluntary Organizations in various districts of the State of Andhra Pradesh.

  15. Undertaken Third Party monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Study of ATMA in Andhra Pradesh. Supported by Dept. of Agriculture, A.P.

  16. Completed Evaluation of Convergence between NREGA and other ongoing schemes of other departments, UNDP, GoI.

  17. Served as Institutional Monitor for CAPART, Monitored and Evaluated over 100 projects.

  18. Completed “Baseline survey of Horticulture” during 2011 for Mahabubnagar district. Supported by Department of Horticulture, GoAP.